3 Ways of Uploading Transactions

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Three ways of inputting Transactions

Engine is a key part of Canopy that helps input transactions, create securities and new accounts, do all the calculations etc. There are 3 main ways of inputting transactions into Canopy Engine

  1. Simple Transactions Browser based Interface

  2. Canopy UL 1.0

  3. Canopy UL 2.0

Simple Transactions

This is the easiest interface to use and is recommended when you are just starting out with Engine.

Screenshot of Simple Transactions Interface

Canopy UL 1.0

Uploading a larger number of transactions via the browser based Simple Transactions can get very tedious. Canopy UL 1.0 (and a variant called Canopy UL 2.0) are Excel formats that can be used to process transactions in bulk

Canopy UL 1.0 is designed to allow you a wide variety of functions in bulk. These include entering Transactions, creating Accounts or Securities, entering Prices etc.

CanopyUL 1.0 formats can be downloaded from Engine

A good primer is here on our public Confluence page

All Canopy UL 1.0 formats can be downloaded from Engine, but are also enclosed here for convenience.

Canopy UL 2.0

Typically as soon as Transactions are entered into Engine, users want to reconcile the closing positions in Canopy with those at the Custodian. While this process can be done manually, Canopy UL 2.0 format (sample here) makes the reconciliation process much more efficient.

Canopy Extract automatically generates a Canopy UL 2.0 file from most PDF formats.

Canopy UL 2.0 is the recommended format in case you want to upload transactions and also reconcile the closing positions with a custodian statement.

Please see Uploading Transaction via UL2.0 (Step by Step)

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