Canopy UL 2.0

Last Updated: 2 years ago


Canopy UL 2.0 is a specialized version of Canopy UL which allows the Upload of Transactions and Reconciliation of closing positions with the Custodian in a single operation.

A Canopy UL 2.0 file contains up to 4 tabs, which are 

  1. Transactions (required) - These will be uploaded into Engine 

  2. Holdings (optional but preferred) - if provided Engine will reconcile closing positions in the various accounts against these 

  3. Transaction Details (optional) - You can provide all the details in the Transaction tab itself if you want. This tab is provided for compatibility with some bank formats where Buy/Sell and Current Account Transactions are reported separately 

  4. Historical Prices (optional)

How to use Canopy UL 2.0

A sample Canopy UL 2.0 file is enclosed here

Please note that populating the columns in Green is optional

Why are some important Columns optional

As you can see from the Excel format above, the following 3 columns are optional in Canopy UL 2.0

1. CanopyCcyAccount

2. Canopy Ticker

3. Canopy Transaction Type

This is because for your convenience Engine has a mapping table that stores a mapping between

  • AccountNumber -> CanopyCcyAccount

  • BankSecurityIdentifier -> Canopy Ticker

  • TransactionTypeFromBank -> CanopyTransactionType

So if you have previously stored data in this mapping table, Engine will be able to populate these 3 columns for you. If you have never created this mapping before, you will get a chance to do so during the upload process.

If you supply the values in the optional columns then the entries in the mapping table (if any) will be ignored.

Please see the upload documentation at Canopy UL 2.0 Upload (Step by Step)

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