Classification Hierarchy

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Asset Class, Sub-Asset Class and Geography classifications can be amended to suit your reporting needs.

1. Asset Allocation

2. Asset Allocation (Breakdown)

3. Securities Page

Hierarchy Table

The below table details which fields are imported from Bloomberg and the order that Canopy will show. The system will first look for information at Level 1, if there is not information available at Level 1 it will then move onto Level 2, etc. The Bloomberg fields used are contained within the parenthesis. 

*Please note that the below is only applicable to the listed securities. For private securities, Canopy utilizes the information provided by the Custodian.

How to change default classifications

The default classifications can be changed on the Classifications Page (User icon (top right of the screen) > Classifications). 

Step 1. User Drop Down

Step 2. Classifications Page

Step 3. Edit

To edit please click on the pencil, make your edits, and press to save your edits.


Classification edits can only be made after your data has been uploaded. Once the new classification is saved for the relevant ticker, changes are saved going forward. However, you may have to edit the classification when new securities are uploaded.

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