Client View

Last Updated: 2 years ago


View and analyze a single portfolio by its asset allocation, performance, cashflows and more. 

  1. Net Worth - The Net Worth Page displays the Net Worth numbers on a chart based on varied parameters like Portfolio, User Industry, User Asset Class across different time periods

2. Asset Allocation -This page shows the view of the assets allocated across different Asset Classes, sub-asset classes, geographies , currencies and custodians via interactive widgets and further drill down these widgets in the tabular form.

3. Performance - This page enables the clients to compare the performance of the Strategy in terms of Nav on Assets and Nav on Net Worth and plots the numbers on the chart for intuitive comparison.

4. Manage Strategies - This functionality is present as part of Performance Page which allows users to Manage (View, Create, Run, Delete, Download) all analytics strategies in the User’s Database. The Strategies created and calculated will be under the Performance Page as well as Tableau Analytics Reports.

5. Holdings - The Holdings page shows all the holdings in a tabular form which belong to the current client selection at the certain date.

6. Transactions - The transactions Page shows all the transactions belonging to the current client selection along with the details of the transacted currency, settlement amount etc.

7. Cashflows - This Page shows a pictorial and tabular representation for the cashflows for various holdings in the clients’ portfolio (historic and future).

8. Movers - The Movers Page allows users to view the security movements in clients’ accounts. This information is represented in the form of Top/Bottom 5 movers within 3 months of current system date, of the current client selection. 

Portfolio Status 

This page provides a quick view of the portfolio pertaining to a client selection which covers aspects like Portfolio Display Name, Latest Price Date, the latest source of the portfolio like Datafeed or Non-data feed etc.

10. Documents - This Page shows the list of documents uploaded via the Document Storage functionality for the purpose of maintaining a repository of the useful documents related to the portfolio or tagging these to the transactions and securities for future reference. Learn More

11. Explainer- The Explainer breaks down all activity undertaken in a particular Strategy and aims to completely attribute the change in the Net Worth over a given time period to the contributing factors.

Document Storage Functionality on the Navigation Bar

1. This feature allows the customer users to upload any document for the purpose of storing and referring to them, these documents are not meant for any data-processing.
Learn More

The remaining features/menus are common among both Admin View and Customer View i.e. Excel, How It Works, Support, and Tableau Insights.

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