How Canopy Trade Bookings Work

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Main principals of Canopy booking

Canopy is built around a few simple philosophies. These are

A. Transaction Only booking system

Just like pretty most other banking systems, Canopy is a Transactions Only booking system. Everything is a transaction e.g. You cannot book Opening Positions of an account directly into Canopy (you will have to book them as Transfer In transactions)

Screenshot from Canopy Engine showing fields that are input for a transaction

B. Transactions can only be booked in the Currency Account

All transactions in Canopy are booked into the Currency Account. Since the Currency Account can belong to only one Child Account, Canopy Engine automatically populates the Child Account on the basis of the Currency Account being input. See sample Transaction ticket above

C. Holdings are always calculated

Because Canopy is a Transactions Only booking system, therefore Holdings (also known as positions) are always calculated from the Trade Blotter

D. Only 3 primary data tables

All of Canopy is built on only 3 tables. Every single bit of information and analytics that you see in Canopy is derived from the information in these 3 tables. These tables are

  1. Trade Blotter: Contains the details of each transaction. An enriched version of this Trade Blotter is the Single Line Transactions in the Customer Database. There is a 1:1 mapping between the Trade Blotter and Single Line Transactions

  2. Security Master:

  3. Prices Table

E. Single Security Master

All of Canopy operates on a Single Security Master. Every security has a unique ticker in our security master and all bookings (irrespective of which client) are made with the same ticker

F. Standardized Transaction Types

All transactions in Canopy are booked on the same transaction type defintions. 

Currently we use 23 Canopy Transaction Types

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