Interactive Brokers Data Feed

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Interactive Brokers and Canopy have developed a daily data feed integration.

Together, we hope to bring you the best of class in broker execution and portfolio analysis.


How to set up Interactive Brokers data feed connection

To import your IBKR statements into Canopy, contact your IBKR Sales Representative or email with the following information:

  • Interactive Brokers Account Number

  • Request for Canopy direct data feed

It is as simple as that!

Sample email


Subject: Canopy Data Feed Setup

Dear Sir / Madam,

Please provide data feed access to Canopy to my account #[IB account number] ([IB account holder name]).

Kindly include:

  • Daily data feed from my account going forward.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Your name

Historical data upload

Interactive Brokers data feed set up does not come with historical data upload.

If you would like historical data to be uploaded, please provide us with the CSV files downloaded from your Interactive Brokers account by following these steps:

1. Login to your Interactive Brokers account

2. Reports

Click on Performance & Reports, click on Statements.  Look for Custom Statements and click on the + icon.

3. Create Custom Statement

Statement Name: choose a custom name for this report. 

Statement Type: Activity

A list of the sections will be available for you to choose.

Select the following sections for your Custom Report (Mandatory sections):

  1. Account Information

  2. Open Positions

  3. Forex Balances

  4. Trades

  5. Statement of Funds

  6. Financial Instrument Information

  7. Codes

  8. Dividends

  9. Withholding Tax

  10. Deposits & Withdrawals

  11. Cash Report

  12. Change in Dividend Accruals

  13. Transfer

4. Delivery Configuration

After selecting the recommended list of statement sections, under Delivery Configuration section, select the following:  

  • Format: CSV (Change from HTML to CSV) 

  • Period: Monthly

  • Language: English 

5. Change Parameters of the customized report

Under Custom Statements, look for your newly created custom statement. 

Click on the right arrow icon. 

Change the Period to Monthly, select the format as CSV and click on Run.

Once you have generated the excel statements, please send them to Canopy.

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