Normalized Session UI

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Engine provides a comprehensive user interface (UI) to make data ingestion tasks as automated as possible.

Session Buttons




Download all data in this session into CanopyUL2.0 excel file.

CCY Account Mapping

Generate a popup that allow populating of Canopy CCY Account for each combination of PortfolioID, BankA/CNumber and Currency found in the data. 

Engine is also going to use these mappings to populate Canopy CCY Account automatically for you in the future if it sees the same combination.

Fill Canopy Identifiers

A function that automatically identifies and populates Canopy Identifiers (CCY Accounts, Transaction Types and Tickers) using refined logic and historical data.

Bloomberg Security Import 

When there are public securities that are available on Bloomberg but you cannot find them in Canopy, this is the button you need to use. 

As long as one of the global identifiers (ISIN, BBG Ticker, Valore) are available, you can ask our system to search and request for data from BBG.

Bulk Security Creation

Generate a popup which allows creating of new private securities in bulk. 

You just need to classify your security by assigning Contract + Instrument Type and confirm the classification. We will take care of the rest.


Upload Upload all Transactions with no critical error into Canopy DB


Reconciliation Page will open in a new Tab. 

Here we will reconcile transactions on this Normalized Session and in Canopy DB with Holdings provided on the Session.

Save Prices

Save Prices derived from Transactions or Holdings.

Bank Security Mapping

Save relavent data for future population of Canopy Tickers.

Fill Canopy Identifiers

We recommend using Fill Canopy Identifiers first when you arrive at Normalized Session UI. It will help to save lots of time populating missing data, especially when you have larger number of records to deal with.

Grid table Buttons



Export Page

Download data that are currently displayed on Table Grid into an excel file.


Create a new record in Transactions with editable fields.

Save Changes

Save all manual changes made by user.

Undo Changes

 Undo the changes which were just saved using Save Changes button.

Delete Selected

Delete selected rows.

Undo Upload Selected

Remove the selected transaction (which you have just uploaded) from Canopy database. 

You can use this button in case you find a mistake in the Upload and want to edit your transactions.

Split Transaction

Generate a popup which allows splitting of selected Transaction(s) into multiple transactions. 

This will come in handy when you have to deal with Purchase/Sale Transactions settled in different currency.

Map Transaction

Generate a popup which allows mapping of the selected Transaction to its corresponding Transaction Detail record. 

You should use this button if security movement transactions are available in Transaction Details Tab and the Transactions you have do not have missing information (like Quantity, Transacted Price, ISIN, etc.).

Map Transaction

Canopy Engine has automated this step. If relevant data like Bank Reference ID is available, we will take care of the mapping in the background. You will see the data being populated nicely for the Transactions.

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